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World Bank and WTO Joint Report on Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality

World Bank and WTO Joint Report on Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality

The World Bank and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have joined forces to produce a comprehensive joint report titled “Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality.” This landmark report delves into the multifaceted relationship between international trade and gender equality, shedding light on the barriers faced by women, the opportunities available to them, and the potential impact of trade policies and practices on gender inclusivity in global trade.

Despite significant progress made in advancing gender equality, women continue to encounter a range of challenges in accessing and benefiting from international trade opportunities. This joint report seeks to provide an in-depth examination of the barriers and opportunities at the intersection of trade and gender. By analyzing empirical evidence, case studies, and best practices, the report aims to offer valuable insights into the ways in which trade can be harnessed as a catalyst for women’s empowerment and gender equality.


a. Gender Inequality in Trade
The report highlights the existing gender disparities in trade, encompassing both participation and outcomes. It emphasizes that women confront numerous barriers, including discriminatory laws and regulations, limited access to resources and finance, financial constraints, and deeply ingrained cultural biases. These barriers impede their full participation in trade-related activities and hinder their ability to benefit from trade opportunities.

b. Trade’s Positive Impacts
The report underscores the potential of trade as a powerful driver for women’s empowerment and gender equality. Increased trade openness can create more economic opportunities for women, enhance their skills, and improve their access to markets. It further emphasizes that trade can contribute to reducing gender wage gaps and expanding women’s entrepreneurship, ultimately fostering inclusive economic growth.

c. Addressing Gender Barriers
The report identifies key policy measures that can help overcome gender barriers in trade. It emphasizes the need for gender-responsive trade policies and frameworks that address discriminatory practices, promote inclusive trade facilitation, and enhance women’s access to finance, technology, and education. Strengthening institutional capacity, fostering supportive legal environments, and providing support services for women entrepreneurs are also crucial steps toward dismantling gender barriers.

d. Empowering Women in Global Value Chains (GVCs)
The report highlights the potential of Global Value Chains (GVCs) in promoting gender equality. Integrating women into GVCs can enhance their economic opportunities, improve working conditions, and foster their skills development. However, it also underscores the importance of addressing challenges such as occupational segregation, gender-based violence, and ensuring equitable distribution of benefits within GVCs to fully leverage their potential for gender inclusivity.


The joint report offers comprehensive recommendations to policymakers, governments, and stakeholders to harness the transformative power of trade in promoting gender equality. These include:

1. Promoting Gender-Responsive Trade Policies
Governments should adopt gender-responsive trade policies that address legal and regulatory barriers, eliminate discriminatory practices, and promote gender mainstreaming in trade agreements and negotiations. These policies should encompass areas such as customs procedures, trade facilitation, and tariff structures.

2. Strengthening Skills and Capacities
Investment in women’s education, vocational training, and capacity-building programs is crucial to enhance their skills and empower them to participate effectively in trade-related activities. Governments should collaborate with educational institutions and private sector partners to develop targeted programs that address the specific needs and aspirations of women in trade.

3. Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship
Governments and international organizations should create an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs by providing access to finance, mentoring programs, business development services, and networking opportunities. This support should encompass initiatives that facilitate market entry, access to credit, and knowledge-sharing platforms for women entrepreneurs.

4. Fostering Collaboration
Enhanced cooperation between the private sector, civil society organizations, and international institutions is vital to advance gender equality in trade. Collaboration can facilitate knowledge sharing, promote best practices, and encourage the implementation of gender-inclusive policies. Public-private partnerships can play a crucial role in creating supportive ecosystems that foster women’s economic empowerment and provide them with a platform for advocacy.

The World Bank and WTO Joint Report on Women and Trade provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the critical role of trade in promoting gender equality. By addressing gender-specific barriers, leveraging trade opportunities, and creating an enabling environment for women’s participation in global trade, policymakers and stakeholders can foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth that benefits both women and societies at large. The recommendations outlined in the report serve as a roadmap for policymakers to prioritize gender-responsive trade policies and enact transformative measures to unlock the full potential of women in trade.  

This is an adaptation of an original work by The World Bank and World Trade Organization. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the International Trade Law and Gender Research Team of the Young African Policy Research Hub and are not endorsed by The World Bank or World Trade Organization.  



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