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Shaping Rwanda’s Healthcare Landscape: The Government’s Vision for a Healthy Nation

Rwanda’s commitment to the development of its healthcare sector is reflected in the implementation of the Health Sector Policy, aligning with the country’s overall vision for development as outlined in Vision 2020 and the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II 2013-2018). Recognizing the evolving socio-economic landscape and changes in the health sector since the adoption of the previous policy in 2005, the new Health Sector Policy takes into account new orientations in the national development agenda, socio-economic factors, epidemiological trends, and institutional dynamics.

At its core, the Health Sector Policy provides overarching guidance for the sector, which is further detailed in various sub-sector policies that guide key health programs and departments. These sub-sector policies will be updated in line with the new Health Sector Policy. Serving as the foundation for national health planning, the policy acts as the primary reference for all stakeholders involved in the healthcare sector.

The primary objective of the Health Sector Policy is to ensure universal accessibility to equitable and affordable quality health services for all Rwandans, both geographically and financially. It encompasses a wide range of health services, including preventative, curative, rehabilitative, and promotional services. The policy sets clear objectives for the health sector, identifies priority health interventions to achieve these objectives, outlines the roles of various levels within the health system, and provides guidelines for improved planning and evaluation of health sector activities. To support the implementation of the Health Sector Policy, a comprehensive Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) has been developed.

The HSSP elaborates on the strategic directions defined in the policy and provides a roadmap for achieving the outlined objectives. Furthermore, detailed annual operational plans describe specific activities under each strategy, ensuring a systematic and coordinated approach to healthcare delivery. The development of this Health Sector Policy involved an extensive consultative process with various stakeholders, including social cluster ministries, other ministries concerned with social determinants of health, multilateral and bilateral development partners, civil society, faith-based organizations, private sectors, and health professional councils.

Through this inclusive approach, inputs were gathered, and a common vision, clear policy objectives, and directions were defined based on existing health issues. The draft policy underwent rigorous scrutiny and review by stakeholders, including the General Senior Management Meeting (GSMM), the Health Sector Technical Working Group (HSWG), the Joint Health Sector Review (JHSR), and the Social Cluster Meetings. Following these consultations, the final policy document was submitted to the cabinet for consideration.

Considering the country’s demographic and geographic situation, Rwanda’s small and mountainous landscape poses unique challenges for healthcare delivery. With a growing population, estimated at around 10.5 million people, and a high population density of 416 inhabitants per square kilometer, the health sector plays a crucial role in addressing the evolving healthcare needs of the Rwandan population. Efforts have been made to diversify the economy and reduce poverty, with the service sector accounting for the largest share of Rwanda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), followed by agriculture and industry.

Economic growth and social transformation are closely linked to the availability of high-quality health services, which contribute to the well-being of the population, productivity, and the country’s overall development. In line with international and regional commitments, Rwanda remains dedicated to achieving global health goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and utilizes them as a guide for its development efforts.

The Health Sector Policy is aligned with key international policies and commitments, including the Abuja Declaration, the African Health Strategy (2007-2015), the Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda for Action, and the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health. With a strong emphasis on improving health outcomes, the Health Sector Policy addresses the country’s health status through a situational analysis. Infectious diseases, such as acute respiratory infections, respiratory infections, and malaria, remain the primary causes of outpatient morbidity, although there has been a significant decrease in the burden of infectious diseases in recent years . To download the report click here
Reviewed by Global Health and Human Right Right Policy Research Team, YAPORH

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