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Nurturing Sustainability: A Comprehensive Overview of Nigeria’s National Climate Change Policy

In a landmark move to address the pressing challenges of climate change and foster sustainable development, Nigeria has officially unveiled its National Climate Change Policy. The policy, a comprehensive framework, comes in the wake of overwhelming scientific evidence highlighting the detrimental impacts of global warming and changing climates.

Climate change is not a distant concern but a stark reality affecting the very fabric of our planet. Rising temperatures and extreme weather events have aggravated environmental issues, including deforestation, land degradation, freshwater scarcity, food insecurity, and air and water pollution.

Nigeria, like many nations, faces significant risks, with vulnerable sectors, such as agriculture, water resources, public health, and settlements, grappling with the impact of climate change. Nigeria’s National Climate Change Policy is a vital framework designed to address the pressing challenges of climate change and foster sustainable development across the nation.

As scientific evidence reveals the unequivocal warming of the earth and changing climates, Nigeria acknowledges the serious and potentially damaging consequences. Climate change exacerbates environmental issues, including deforestation, land degradation, freshwater scarcity, food insecurity, and air and water pollution.

In light of this reality, Nigeria has taken significant strides in confronting climate change through both mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Policy Vision and Mission

The vision of the National Climate Change Policy Response and Strategy (NCCPRS) is to forge a climate-resilient Nigeria that fosters rapid and sustainable socio-economic development. The mission is to engage all sectors of society, including vulnerable groups, in a participatory manner to adapt to and mitigate climate change while advancing sustainable development.

Vulnerabilities and Impacts
The policy recognizes that certain sectors in Nigeria are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. These include agriculture and food security, water resources, public health, and settlements. Coastal regions and areas prone to erosion in the southeastern and northern parts of the country are at heightened risk. Additionally, vulnerable groups, such as farmers, fisherfolk, the elderly, women, children, and urban poor, face disproportionate challenges and threats.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
The National Climate Change Policy adopts a dual approach, focusing on mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation measures aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration. This entails promoting energy efficiency, deploying renewable energy sources, adopting sustainable land-use practices, and investing in afforestation and reforestation efforts. Conversely, adaptation strategies seek to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience. These include climate-proofing infrastructure, establishing early warning systems for extreme weather events, implementing climate-smart agricultural techniques, and fostering sustainable land management practices.

National Efforts and Institutional Framework
Nigeria demonstrates a strong commitment to addressing climate change through various initiatives. Notably, the First National Communication was produced in November 2003, while work on the Second National Communication (SNC) commenced in 2009. Moreover, the National Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (NASPA) have been finalized to bolster climate resilience. The establishment of the Climate Change Department (CCD) within the Federal Ministry of Environment in Abuja further facilitates climate change-related activities. The CCD effectively coordinates the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change, promoting a coordinated and integrated approach.

Guiding Principles: The policy’s approach to combat climate change is guided by several essential principles:

Strategic Alignment: Climate change response aligns with national development priorities, ensuring coherence and effectiveness.

Sustainable Development: Response measures prioritize equity, gender, youth, and vulnerable groups within
the broader framework of sustainable development.

Energy and Economy: While pursuing high economic growth, energy use is approached with sustainability in mind.

Integrated Response: Mitigation and adaptation are considered integral components, dovetailing with other policies for enhanced economic and environmental efficiency.  

Strategic Objectives: The National Climate Change Policy outlines several strategic objectives to guide Nigeria’s climate response:

Low-Carbon Economic Development: Implementing mitigation measures to promote sustainable and high economic growth while reducing carbon footprints.

Strengthening Adaptation Capacity: Enhancing the nation’s adaptive capacity to cope with current and future climate change impacts.

Advancing Science and Research: Elevating climate-related science, technology, and research for effective participation in international scientific collaborations on climate change.

Public Awareness and Private Sector Involvement: Amplifying public awareness and involving the private sector in addressing the challenges posed by climate change.

Governance Strengthening: Developing and implementing robust policy, legislative, and economic frameworks to ensure effective climate change governance.

Policy Response Approaches: To provide a cohesive framework for the development and implementation of sectoral strategies, measures, and initiatives, the policy employs key response approaches:

Diversified Energy Sources: Generating adequate energy from a mix of sources to fuel rapid socio-economic development while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: Consistently reducing emissions, with particular focus on the oil and gas and transportation sectors.

Enhancing Food Security and Healthy Living: Promoting food security, poverty reduction, and improved public health for all Nigerians.

Climate-Resilient Development: Integrating climate-related disaster risk management into development planning. Sectoral

Adaptation and Mitigation Programmes: The National Climate Change Policy recognizes the necessity for sector-specific adaptation and mitigation programs to address unique challenges faced by various sectors, including agriculture, energy, transportation, water resources, and public health.

The National Climate Change Policy of Nigeria epitomizes the nation’s dedication to addressing climate change and forging a sustainable future. By adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach, Nigeria aims to build resilience, reduce emissions, and create a climate-resilient society while pursuing economic growth and development. The policy underscores the importance of collective action, stakeholder involvement, and multi-sectoral collaboration to realize Nigeria’s vision of a climate-resilient and prosperous nation  

This is an adaptation of an original work by FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT (DEPARTMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE) OF NIGERIA. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the Environment and Climate Change Research Team of the Young African Policy Research Hub and are not endorsed by FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT (DEPARTMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE) OF NIGERIA

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