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Empowering Ghana’s Future: Understanding the National Migration Policy for Inclusive Development

Harnessing Migration for Progress: Ghana’s Landmark Policy Sets a Path for the Future

The Government of Ghana has taken a landmark step towards shaping its development trajectory and harnessing the advantages of migration by formulating its first-ever National Migration Policy (NMP). This comprehensive policy aims to manage various migration flows, including internal, intra-regional, and international, with a strong focus on poverty reduction and sustained national development. Migration has long been perceived as a challenge due to brain drain and the loss of skilled workers. However, it is now acknowledged globally as a powerful tool for economic and social development. In Ghana, migration plays a particularly significant role, with remittances from Ghanaians abroad surpassing foreign direct investment (FDI) and official development assistance (ODA). The NMP is designed to leverage this potential for Ghana’s benefit while ensuring the protection of migrant rights and promoting inclusivity.

Consultation: The NMP was developed through close consultation with various stakeholders, including government agencies, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, and international partners. The Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee on Migration (IMSCM), under the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, played a pivotal role in facilitating the policy’s development. The Centre for Migration Studies at the University of Ghana and organizations such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provided essential support. This collaborative approach ensured that diverse perspectives were considered, leading to a more informed and comprehensive policy framework.

Policy Approach: The formulation of the NMP took into account various policy frameworks, including Ghana’s Constitution, poverty reduction strategies, and international agreements like the African Union (AU) Strategic Framework for Migration and the ECOWAS Common Approach on Migration. Embracing a comprehensive approach, the NMP addresses internal, intra-regional, and international migration streams.

Key Objectives and Strategies: The NMP outlines several key objectives and strategies to effectively manage migration for development:

a. Managing Internal Migration: The policy seeks to mainstream migration into national and local programs, develop social protection policies for migrants in urban areas, and enhance data gathering and research on the internal migration and development nexus.  

b. Coping with Urbanization: To address the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, the NMP aims to allocate adequate resources for local economic development, enhance the capacity of local government bodies to manage migration and urbanization, and strengthen research and data gathering on urbanization trends.

c. Addressing Irregular Migration, Human Trafficking, and Migrant Smuggling: Strategies include enforcing the human trafficking Act, protecting victims of trafficking, and developing preventive measures against irregular migration.  

d. Utilizing Labor Migration: Recognizing the potential of highly skilled emigrants, the policy aims to turn brain drain into brain gain by promoting initiatives that engage with skilled emigrants and the Ghanaian diaspora.  

e. Enhancing Border Management: Effective border management is crucial for preventing irregular migration, human trafficking, and other illicit activities. The policy advocates for a national entry/exit database and strengthening the capacity of government agencies for border management.  

g. Managing Refugees and Asylum-Seekers: The NMP seeks to develop a framework for managing refugees and asylum-seekers, including bi-lateral agreements and capacity-building for research and data gathering.  

h. Cross-cutting Themes: The NMP recognizes the impact of migration on gender, health, natural resources, and climate change. It emphasizes gender mainstreaming, health risk mitigation, maximizing the benefits of natural resources, and integrating cross-border trade into migration management.  

i. Diaspora Engagement: Recognizing the diaspora’s role in development, the policy aims to engage the diaspora for investment and development opportunities and facilitate remittance flows.  

h. Migration Data and Information Management: The policy focuses on improving migration data gathering, processing, and analysis to support evidence-based decision-making.  

j. Institutional Framework: To ensure effective implementation, the policy proposes the establishment of the Ghana National Commission on Migration (GNCM), comprising representatives from various stakeholders.

Strengths of the National Policy of Ghana: Comprehensive Approach: The NMP takes a comprehensive approach by addressing various migration streams, including internal, intra-regional, and international migration. This inclusivity is crucial as it recognizes the multifaceted nature of migration and its impact on Ghana’s development.  

Guiding Principles: The policy is guided by fundamental principles such as the protection of migrant rights, non-discrimination, adherence to international agreements, and promotion of human development. These principles form a solid foundation for ethical and rights-based migration management.  

Stakeholder Engagement: The formulation of the NMP involved collaboration with various stakeholders, including government agencies, academic institutions, NGOs, and the international community. Such broad engagement fosters ownership and facilitates better coordination in the implementation process.  

Focus on Gender and Vulnerability: The NMP recognizes the differential impact of migration on men, women, children, and vulnerable groups. The emphasis on gender mainstreaming and special protection measures for vulnerable migrants is commendable and aligns with the principles of inclusivity and social justice.  

Data and Information Management: The policy underscores the importance of accurate and reliable migration data for informed decision-making. The commitment to enhancing data gathering, analysis, and utilization is essential for evidence-based policy formulation and monitoring.

Areas for Attention:

Implementation Mechanism: While the policy outlines the establishment of the Ghana National Commission on Migration (GNCM) as the primary institutional framework, attention must be given to ensuring its effective functioning. Adequate resources, capacity-building, and interagency coordination will be critical for successful implementation.  

Capacity Building: Given the multi-dimensional nature of migration, building the capacity of stakeholders, including government officials, civil society, and academia, is vital. Training programs and workshops on migration management and related themes can enhance the effectiveness of policy implementation.  

Monitoring and Evaluation: An efficient monitoring and evaluation mechanism is essential to assess the progress and impact of the NMP. Setting up clear indicators and conducting regular evaluations will enable timely adjustments and ensure the policy remains relevant.  

Financial Support: To achieve the NMP’s ambitious objectives, adequate financial resources must be allocated. Securing funding from various sources, including domestic and international partners, will be necessary to implement the policy effectively.  

Public Awareness: A comprehensive public awareness campaign is crucial to disseminate information about the NMP and its objectives. Engaging the media and using various communication channels will help garner public support and understanding.

Ghana’s National Migration Policy represents a significant step towards managing migration for development. Its comprehensive approach, stakeholder engagement, and focus on inclusivity are commendable. However, attention must be given to addressing the implementation mechanism, capacity building, monitoring, financial support, and public awareness to ensure successful policy execution. By leveraging the strengths and addressing the areas for improvement, Ghana can harness the potential benefits of migration for poverty reduction and sustainable development.

This is an adaptation of the original work by the Ministry of Interior of the Government of Ghana. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the International Trade Law and Policy Team of the Young African Policy Research Hub and are not endorsed by the Ministry of Interior of the Government of Ghana

International Trade Law and Policy Research Team of YAPORH 

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