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Africa Governance Report Reveals Progress and Challenges in Continent’s Governance

A Home-Grown Approach: African Union Takes Control of Its Development Agenda

 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – In a landmark development, the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) presented the Africa Governance Report (AGR) during the 32nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

The report, commissioned by the Assembly, assesses the state of governance in Africa and provides Member States with a comprehensive baseline to enhance governance practices. The AGR reflects the continent’s commitment to taking control of its development agenda and accountability mechanisms.   The AGR, prepared in collaboration with the African Governance Architecture (AGA), focuses on key thematic areas of priority for the continent. These include transformative leadership, constitutionalism and the rule of law, peace, security and governance (Silencing the Guns), the nexus between development and governance, and the role of regional economic communities (RECs) in African governance.  

One of the core objectives of the AGR is to highlight the progress made and challenges faced by African nations in their governance efforts. The report acknowledges that while socio-economic development has seen significant improvements, democracy and political governance still require attention. Economic governance and management, as well as corporate governance, have shown satisfactory performance among Member States.  

The inaugural report is a crucial foundation for future analysis of governance trends in Africa. It provides an opportunity to reflect on shared values and galvanize governance efforts across the continent.   The AGR’s unique methodology is a testament to its authenticity and effectiveness. The report benefited from consultations with AU Organs and Institutions, Regional Economic Communities, and access to Member State informants and state-held data. This home-grown approach ensures that the report represents African perspectives and improves the prospects for implementing its recommendations.  

The imperative for the development of an African-generated governance report is threefold, It  aligns with the AU Assembly’s decision to drive its development agenda and accountability mechanisms, benefits from consultations with relevant stakeholders, and ultimately offers recommendations by Africans for Africa.   Each chapter of the AGR presents a comprehensive analysis of the state of governance in Africa, including notable progress, challenges, and enablers of good governance. The report also identifies best practices and proposes recommendations for improvement. It is anticipated that the AGR will serve as a valuable tool for policymakers, researchers, and civil society organizations across the continent.   Moving forward, the AGR’s findings and recommendations will play a pivotal role in shaping Africa’s governance landscape.

The African Union and its Member States are expected to leverage the report’s insights to enhance governance practices, align with the AU Agenda 2063, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030.   The Africa Governance Report signifies a remarkable step towards Africa’s self-reliance and collective progress. By taking charge of their own development agenda and fostering accountable governance, African nations are paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.   To download the report click here  

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