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Addressing the Economic Challenges in Africa Through Youth-Inclusive Trade Policy Development, Implementation, and Economic Empowerment: AfCFTA in Focus

Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu’s presentation at the Pan African Youth Dialogue in May 2021 was a significant contribution to the discourse on African economic development and youth empowerment. Titled “Addressing the Economic Challenges in Africa Through Youth-Inclusive Trade Policy Development, Implementation, and Economic Empowerment: AfCFTA in Focus,” his presentation illuminated the critical role that young entrepreneurs play in shaping trade policies and driving economic progress across the continent. Brendan Ugwu’s presentation was thoughtfully structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

Economic Challenges in Africa: Ugwu discussed major economic challenges in Africa, including extreme poverty, complex migration issues in the Sahel region, high levels of unemployment and underemployment, and inadequate investment in trade infrastructure. Poverty often leads to hunger and malnutrition, while conflicts force many to rely on humanitarian aid and experience internal displacement. Young Africans often seek opportunities abroad due to the lack of quality employment and low wages, impacting their long-term career prospects. Insufficient investment in physical infrastructure, including transportation, telecommunications, and energy, further hampers productivity. Brendan Ugwu’s presentation highlighted the pervasive economic challenges in Africa, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of these issues. These challenges collectively hinder the continent’s economic development, with a particularly adverse impact on its youthful population.

Youth Inclusion in Trade Policy Development and Implementation: The presentation emphasized the vital importance of involving young people in the development and execution of trade policies in Africa. Young individuals are seen as essential advocates for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and serve as voices representing the priorities and requirements of SMEs throughout all phases of trade policy development. By actively engaging youth, governments and international organizations can better address the specific needs of SMEs and youth involved in trade, empowering them to participate effectively in the regional value chain. Ugwu’s presentation outlined a comprehensive approach to youth inclusion in the trade policy-making process, starting from their involvement in the initial situation analysis and extending through policy design, implementation, and administration. Youth participation remains vital in monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of trade policies, providing valuable data and insights into policy effectiveness.

The Role of AfCFTA: Ugwu underscored the transformative potential of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in addressing economic challenges. AfCFTA not only offers economic opportunities but also prioritizes inclusive development and capacity-building, particularly for young entrepreneurs. One key aspect highlighted in the presentation is that AfCFTA recognizes the critical role that young entrepreneurs play in the continent’s trade landscape. It offers them a platform to engage actively in trade policy development and execution. By involving youth in all stages of the trade policy-making process, AfCFTA ensures that their perspectives, needs, and priorities are considered. This inclusion of youth in AfCFTA’s administration and implementation aligns with the broader goal of fostering economic growth and addressing economic challenges in Africa. It recognizes that youth, as a dynamic and innovative demographic, can drive trade, entrepreneurship, and economic development forward. Furthermore, it acknowledges that youth involvement not only benefits individuals but also contributes to the overall economic advancement of the continent.

Challenges Faced by Youth in Trade in Africa: The presentation outlined various challenges faced by young traders in Africa, including limited access to information, finance, and digital technology, along with difficulties in developing bankable business plans and compliance with buyer requirements. Ugwu stressed the need for collaborative efforts to address these obstacles.

Youth Empowerment Within AfCFTA: Strategies to empower young entrepreneurs within AfCFTA were highlighted, such as specialized training, accessible finance, private sector collaboration, capacity building, agricultural training, simplified business registration, and participation in trade associations.

Key Actions for AfCFTA Implementation: Ugwu emphasized key actions that state parties to AfCFTA can take to ensure its effective implementation, including investments in solar energy, enhancing internet access, improving road infrastructure, and facilitating access to global value chains.

Proactive Steps for Youth: The presentation outlined proactive steps that youth engaged in trade can take to contribute to the successful implementation of AfCFTA, including understanding AfCFTA’s framework, participating in public-private dialogues, and investing in market intelligence.

In conclusion, Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu’s presentation provided valuable insights into addressing economic challenges in Africa through youth inclusion in trade policy development and AfCFTA’s role in promoting economic empowerment. It highlighted the importance of youth engagement, collaboration, and proactive efforts in driving economic progress on the continent.