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A Review of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) 2020-2030 of Nigeria

  The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) 2020-2030 is a comprehensive roadmap developed by the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy of Nigeria. The policy aims to harness the power of digital technologies to drive economic growth, create jobs, enhance government services, and improve the overall well-being of Nigerians. In this review, we will assess the pillars of the policy, examine its objectives, analyze implementation measures, identify weaknesses, and propose the way forward to make the vision of a digital Nigeria a reality.

The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy of Nigeria 2020-2030 aims to leverage digital technologies to drive economic growth and lift millions of Nigerians out of poverty. It was initiated by President Muhammadu Buhari, who recognized the potential of digital technologies in achieving these goals. The policy recognizes the importance of developing a large pool of digitally literate and skilled citizens to drive the digital economy. Currently, digital literacy levels in Nigeria are relatively low, and there is a need to implement a program for mass digital literacy.

The Pillars of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy of Nigeria

The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy is based on eight pillars each addressing a crucial aspect of the digital economy:

a. Developmental Regulation: This pillar emphasizes effective regulation of the ICT and digital sector to facilitate development and innovation.

b. Digital Literacy and Skills: The focus is on providing policy backing for massive digital skills training to empower Nigerians and bridge the digital literacy gap.

c. Solid Infrastructure: This pillar highlights the need for the deployment of fixed and mobile broadband infrastructure to deepen broadband penetration across the country.

d. Service Infrastructure: It supports the development of robust digital platforms to drive government digital services and promote e-commerce models.

e. Soft Infrastructure: Strengthening public confidence in the use of digital technologies and participation in the digital economy is the central objective of this pillar.

f. Digital Services Development and Promotion: The aim is to create a vibrant digital ecosystem that fosters innovation and supports the growth of digital jobs and digital entrepreneurship.

g. Digital Society and Emerging Technologies: This pillar focuses on tying the development of the digital economy to the well-being of ordinary citizens and fostering the adoption of emerging technologies.

h. Indigenous Content Development and Adoption: This pillar promotes the preference for digitally skilled Nigerians in government-funded projects, in line with the administration’s Executive Orders.  

The Objectives of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy of Nigeria

The NDEPS outlines several objectives that are essential for achieving a digital Nigeria. These objectives include:

i Broadband Penetration: Targeting 70% broadband penetration within four years to expand access to digital services across the country.

ii Digitalization of Government Processes: Accelerating the digitalization of government processes to improve service delivery, transparency, and accountability.

iiii Trust and Security: Enhancing trust, confidence, and security in digital processes and activities to protect personal data and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

iv Job Creation and Innovation: Creating digital jobs across sectors and fostering a supportive environment for technology startups and digital entrepreneurs.

vi Digital Literacy and Education: Promoting digital literacy among citizens, businesses, and government workers and developing a digital education curriculum to meet the needs of the digital economy.

vii Indigenous Technology Participation: Ensuring the active participation of indigenous technology companies in government-funded technology programs.  

The Implementation Measure of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy of Nigeria
To realize the objectives of the NDEPS, the policy outlines various implementation measures, including:

1. Digital Skills Training: Implementing comprehensive digital literacy programs to equip Nigerians with essential digital skills and knowledge.

2. Infrastructure Investment: Increasing investment in broadband infrastructure and addressing challenges such as Right of Way charges, equipment vandalism, and power supply issues.

3. Regulatory Reforms: Updating regulations to create an enabling environment for digital innovation, investment, and fair competition.

4. Cybersecurity Measures: Developing robust cybersecurity regulations, data protection frameworks, and investing in cybersecurity infrastructure.

5. Public-Private Partnerships: Encouraging collaboration between the government, private sector, academia, and civil society to leverage resources and expertise.  

The weaknesses of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy of Nigeria

While the NDEPS presents a comprehensive framework, several weaknesses must be addressed for successful implementation:

a. Funding Constraints: Adequate funding is crucial for the effective implementation of the NDEPS. The policy should prioritize securing sufficient funding from both domestic and international sources to support its implementation.

b. Infrastructure Challenges: Despite the policy’s emphasis on infrastructure development, Nigeria still faces significant challenges in terms of broadband coverage, particularly in rural areas. Ensuring widespread and affordable access to high-quality internet connectivity remains a critical task.

c. Digital Divide: The policy needs to address the existing digital divide, both in terms of access to digital technologies and digital literacy. Efforts should be made to provide equal opportunities for all segments of the population, including marginalized communities and individuals with disabilities.

d. Implementation Capacity: Effective implementation requires adequate institutional capacity and coordination among relevant government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and civil society. Strengthening the capacity of implementing bodies and ensuring effective collaboration is essential.

e. Cybersecurity and Privacy Concerns: With the increasing digitalization of services, the policy should prioritize the establishment of robust cybersecurity and data protection frameworks. Addressing concerns related to online privacy, data breaches, and cyber threats is crucial to building public trust in the digital ecosystem.    

The Way Forward
To make the vision of a digital Nigeria a reality, the following steps should be considered:

1. Robust Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track the progress of NDEPS implementation, identify bottlenecks, and make necessary adjustments along the way.

2. Public-Private Partnerships: Strengthen collaboration between the government and private sector entities to leverage resources, expertise, and innovation. Encouraging private sector participation will enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the policy.

3. Digital Skills Development: Prioritize investments in digital skills development programs and initiatives that target various segments of society, including youths, women, and rural communities. This will help bridge the digital divide and enhance digital literacy across the country.

4. Infrastructure Investment: Increase efforts to address infrastructure challenges, such as improving broadband coverage, reducing the cost of internet access, and ensuring reliable power supply to support the digital ecosystem.

5. Policy Coordination and Implementation: Enhance coordination among relevant government agencies and ensure effective implementation of the policy’s initiatives. Clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability mechanisms should be established to avoid duplication and ensure streamlined efforts.

6. International Cooperation: Seek international partnerships and collaborations to leverage best practices, access funding opportunities, and benefit from knowledge exchange in the digital economy sector.

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The National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) 2020-2030 of Nigeria provides a comprehensive framework for harnessing the potential of digital technologies to drive economic growth and improve the lives of Nigerians. While the policy highlights key pillars, objectives, and implementation measures, addressing funding constraints, infrastructure challenges, the digital divide, and cybersecurity concerns are essential for successful implementation. By prioritizing monitoring and evaluation, fostering public-private partnerships, investing in digital skills, addressing infrastructure gaps, coordinating policy implementation, and seeking international cooperation, Nigeria can move closer to realizing its vision of a thriving digital economy.  

Reviewed by the Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence Research Team of YAPORH

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