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A review of the African Union Gender Policy: A Policy Framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa


The African Union Gender Policy is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to close the gender gap and promote gender equality in Africa. With a focus on women’s empowerment, the policy recognizes the vital role of women in all spheres of development and strives to address gender inequalities that have perpetuated women’s disempowerment and feminization of poverty. By understanding the context and objectives of this policy, stakeholders can actively contribute to its implementation and bring about positive change across the continent.

The AU Gender Policy is rooted in the AU’s commitment to gender equality as enshrined in various key documents, including the AU Constitutive Act, the Protocol on the Rights of Women, and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) framework. It draws inspiration from the achievements of the African women’s movement and the necessity to consolidate progress made in promoting gender equality and empowering all peoples of Africa. The main purpose of the policy is to establish a clear vision and make commitments to guide the process of gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment. By adopting a rights-based approach and utilizing gender-disaggregated data and performance indicators, the policy seeks to promote gender-responsive environments and practices at all levels – international, continental, regional, and national.

The African Union Gender Policy is guided by the values and principles outlined in the AU’s Constitutive Act, as well as the commitments of its organs, member states, and regional economic communities. These principles include the promotion of good governance, gender equality, gender equity, shared responsibility, regional integration, subsidiarity, and accountability. By upholding these values and principles, the policy seeks to create an inclusive and equitable society where the rights and contributions of women and men are recognized and valued.

The vision of the AU Gender Policy is to achieve an African society founded on democracy, gender equality, human rights, and dignity. The policy envisions a harmonious coexistence where women and men, girls and boys, thrive together, actively participate in decision-making, and contribute to the continent’s development. The overarching goal of the policy is to adopt a rights-based approach and evidence-based decision-making for the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Africa. The policy sets forth several goals to facilitate its implementation. These goals include accelerating gender mainstreaming, establishing an institutional framework, developing guidelines and standards, monitoring and evaluating progress, and promoting equitable access to resources and opportunities for women and men. By striving to achieve these goals, the policy aims to create a more inclusive, just, and prosperous Africa.

The AU Gender Policy is driven by the fundamental principles of human dignity, development, and prosperity for all African people. It acknowledges the historical contributions of both women and men to the liberation and economic emancipation of the continent. Therefore, the policy emphasizes the need for equal participation and benefits in development processes for both genders.
Recognizing the existing disparities between men and women in various domains such as decision-making, economic opportunities, peace and security, education, and health, the policy aims to address these challenges and accelerate progress towards gender equality. It acknowledges the importance of integrating gender equality into all institutional arrangements at policy and programming levels, encompassing AU organs, regional economic communities, and member states.
The policy emphasizes that gender equality and women’s empowerment should be mainstreamed throughout society, and it highlights key areas where gender disparities need to be addressed. These areas include economic independence, access to resources, political representation, education, healthcare, ICT infrastructure, and the elimination of gender-based violence and discrimination.
Furthermore, the policy recognizes the significance of contextualizing gender equality efforts within the African societal context. It acknowledges that gender roles, power relations, and value systems vary across countries and regions, and therefore, tailored approaches are necessary to address these unique circumstances while upholding universal human rights and women’s rights instruments.


The African Union Gender Policy, while well-intentioned, exhibits several weaknesses that need to be addressed to ensure its effectiveness in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Africa. One of the primary weaknesses is the lack of concrete implementation strategies. Although the policy outlines goals and objectives, it fails to provide clear and detailed strategies for implementation. Without specific action plans, timelines, and measurable indicators, it becomes challenging to assess the progress made and hold stakeholders accountable for achieving the policy’s objectives.

An absence of a comprehensive implementation plan hampers the effectiveness and impact of the policy. Another significant weakness lies in the limited focus on addressing structural barriers. While the policy emphasizes gender mainstreaming and empowerment programs, it fails to sufficiently critique and address the underlying structural barriers that perpetuate gender inequality. To achieve sustainable change, it is essential to challenge and transform discriminatory social norms, laws, and institutions that uphold unequal power dynamics. The policy should include strategies for dismantling these barriers and promoting systemic change. Insufficient attention to resource allocation is another notable weakness of the policy.

Although the policy briefly mentions the need for resources, it does not delve into the crucial issue of resource allocation. Adequate financial support and targeted investments are necessary for the successful implementation of gender equality initiatives. Without sufficient resources, the policy’s implementation may be hindered, limiting its impact on the ground. A more comprehensive discussion and commitment to resource allocation are necessary to ensure the policy’s effectiveness.

The policy also lacks emphasis on the role of men in promoting gender equality. While the focus on women’s empowerment is crucial, a comprehensive gender policy should recognize the importance of engaging men as allies and agents of change. Challenging patriarchal systems and promoting gender equality requires the involvement of both men and women. The policy should actively encourage initiatives that promote men’s active participation in efforts to advance gender equality and challenge harmful social norms.

Furthermore, the policy fails to adequately analyze the potential challenges and unintended consequences that may arise from the policy’s implementation. A comprehensive gender policy should thoroughly assess the potential impact on local communities, particularly in rural areas. It should consider the cultural, social, and economic contexts in which the policy will be implemented and anticipate any resistance or backlash that may arise from those resistant to change. Conducting impact assessments and regularly evaluating the policy’s outcomes and unintended consequences can inform necessary adjustments and ensure that the policy is responsive and inclusive.

To address these weaknesses and strengthen the African Union Gender Policy, several recommendations can be implemented.

Firstly, developing a detailed and comprehensive implementation plan is crucial. This plan should include specific actions, timelines, responsible stakeholders, and measurable indicators to ensure effective policy implementation and progress monitoring.

Secondly, addressing structural barriers should be a priority. The policy should include strategies to challenge discriminatory social norms, reform laws and policies, and promote institutional change to ensure equal opportunities and rights for all.

Adequate resource allocation is another key recommendation to prioritize financial support and targeted investments in critical areas such as education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and social services. Engaging men as allies in the gender equality agenda is crucial. The policy should promote initiatives that encourage men to challenge patriarchal norms and actively participate in efforts to advance gender equality, both in their personal lives and in broader social and institutional contexts.

Regular impact assessments should also be conducted to evaluate the policy’s impact on different communities, particularly in rural and marginalized areas, and to identify potential challenges and unintended consequences. Lastly, enhancing collaboration and accountability among AU member states, organs, regional economic communities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders is vital.

Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and reporting progress, ensuring transparency, and holding all stakeholders accountable for their commitments will contribute to the policy’s effectiveness. In conclusion, while the African Union Gender Policy is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Africa, it has certain weaknesses that need to be addressed.

By implementing the recommended strategies, such as developing a comprehensive implementation plan, addressing structural barriers, prioritizing resource allocation, engaging men as allies, conducting impact assessments, and enhancing collaboration and accountability, the policy can become a more robust and effective tool for creating a more inclusive and equitable society in Africa. It is imperative to strengthen the policy to ensure that it translates into tangible outcomes and brings about meaningful change for women and girls across the continent.  


Reviewed by Gender and Development Research Team of YAPORH

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